Micro Masters
in Procurement ManagementMicro Master In Procurement Management
The business world is becoming very competitive. To be part of that increasingly competitive world, there’s a need for solid strategic procurement skills. Procurement has taken Centre stage in
the corporate world and procurement professionals are highly in demand globally.
Procurement Management is the leading professional course that opens doors to high paying jobs. If you want to advance in your career or secure a new job – this is perfect for you.
This course is ideal for procurement, order verification and category management professionals who are looking to take their career to the next level.
This certification course equips you with learning and skills for negotiation, contract management, supplier evaluation and due diligence; providing your organization a competitive advantage to remain profitable in the difficult time.
The modules are packed with a wealth of exclusive content designed for high performance professionals need for ensured professional growth.
You can level up in your organization and level up in your career by taking this course. You not only get a Micro Masters by the prestigious Malaysian University of Science and Technology (MUST), you also get certified as a Certified Procurement Professional by the African Centre for Supply Chain (ACSC).
Module 1: The Changing Procurement Environment
Module 2: Managing the Procurement Contract Process
Module 3: International Procurement Environment
Module 4: Contract Strategy Management
Module 5: Negotiation Skills and tools
Module 6: Procurement/Supply Chain Performance
8 Weeks (Blended Learning)
This course has a blended certification
one from a prestigious University and
African Centre for Supply Chain.
The advantage is the global acceptability.
1. Micro Masters from Malaysia
U n i v e r s i t y o f S c i e n c e a n d
2. C P P ( C e r t i e d P r o c u r eme n t
Professional) from African Centre
for Supply Chain
Breakdown of Tuition
Admission Form – N10,000
Training Fee – N180,000
Exam Fee – N90,000 ($150)
This course has a blended certification one from a prestigious University and African Centre for Supply Chain. The advantage is the global acceptability.